Sex: Female • DOB: 5/15/2011 • Breeder & Co-owner: Anita Ramsey •
Color & Markings: Blue Merle/White Collar, Chest, Legs
Color & Markings: Blue Merle/White Collar, Chest, Legs

Crystal is my dog of a different color (or I guess I should say pattern). She is the first Border collie of SKYFALL, brought in with an entirely different plan in mind - one that focused on learning how to train and handle for Obedience and Agility.
With encouragement from a good friend of mine, I decided to work Crystal on stock (every now and again was the plan). That puppy actually made herding fun with her complete willingness to be a partner and her genuine want to work. From then on, we had no aspirations for any other venue - it was herding all the way.
Crystal is a beautifully put together bitch with a lot of extension and smooth movement. She has a lot of speed and is very agile. She readily works sheep, goats, and all forms of fowl. She exhibits extreme keenness, natural feel, and intensity when working birds, her preferred form of stock. Off of stock, she is an incredibly sweet natured dog that wants to please and is happy to perform any task when asked.
With encouragement from a good friend of mine, I decided to work Crystal on stock (every now and again was the plan). That puppy actually made herding fun with her complete willingness to be a partner and her genuine want to work. From then on, we had no aspirations for any other venue - it was herding all the way.
Crystal is a beautifully put together bitch with a lot of extension and smooth movement. She has a lot of speed and is very agile. She readily works sheep, goats, and all forms of fowl. She exhibits extreme keenness, natural feel, and intensity when working birds, her preferred form of stock. Off of stock, she is an incredibly sweet natured dog that wants to please and is happy to perform any task when asked.

Just as she is my dog of a different color, she is my dog of a different registry. Crystal is an AKC registered bitch. Her mother, Mist, is a UKC conformation champion from a line of dogs successful in performance (obedience, agility, rally, dock diving) and conformation. Her maternal Grandmother is Glenangus OK Wind O JiJin who completed her comformation Grandchampion at just 2 months shy of 13 years old. Her maternal Grandsire is CH OTCH HC Meisterwerk Chance O'Fire is a grandson of International Supreme Champion Wisp (R. Dalziel).
Her sire, Quake, is from a long line of ABCA registered working dogs and Open level trial (both sheep and cattle) dogs that includes notable dogs such as Tom Forrester's Bud, Kay Sander's Quest, and Henry Kuykendall's Imp. Mirk. Quake is currently trialing in AHBA and AKC Herding events with legs toward his AHBA HTAD-III title (working towards his Championship). His siblings, Terri Chisman's Howl and Carmen, are both trial winning Open level sheepdogs.
Crystal's littermates and dogs of similar breeding to her have earned an impressive number and variety of titles in almost every performance venue, including Obedience (up to an OTCH), Herding (HC and HTCH), Barnhunt (RATCH), and Agility (C-ATCH). Crystal herself has matured into a dependable working dog showing promise of moving up into USBCHA Open in the next year or so. We have hopes that she will fill the void left by Beck when he retires from the larger trials. Additionally, Crystal is currently working on her AKC Herding titles in Excellent and on Level 3 AHBA titles. Once she has those, she will be working on her Championships in both venues.
Her sire, Quake, is from a long line of ABCA registered working dogs and Open level trial (both sheep and cattle) dogs that includes notable dogs such as Tom Forrester's Bud, Kay Sander's Quest, and Henry Kuykendall's Imp. Mirk. Quake is currently trialing in AHBA and AKC Herding events with legs toward his AHBA HTAD-III title (working towards his Championship). His siblings, Terri Chisman's Howl and Carmen, are both trial winning Open level sheepdogs.
Crystal's littermates and dogs of similar breeding to her have earned an impressive number and variety of titles in almost every performance venue, including Obedience (up to an OTCH), Herding (HC and HTCH), Barnhunt (RATCH), and Agility (C-ATCH). Crystal herself has matured into a dependable working dog showing promise of moving up into USBCHA Open in the next year or so. We have hopes that she will fill the void left by Beck when he retires from the larger trials. Additionally, Crystal is currently working on her AKC Herding titles in Excellent and on Level 3 AHBA titles. Once she has those, she will be working on her Championships in both venues.
Health Testing

USBCHA - Crystal made her ProNovice debut at C-54 SDT in Fellsmere, FL in 2015. The move up was a bit premature; however, when Beck moved up to Open, Crystal had to follow. At both C-54 and That'll Do SDT, Crystal did find her sheep, but we had some trouble her lift/fetch. Three months later, Crystal ran in her third trial at the ProNovice level, finishing the course and coming in 3rd at the North Carolina State Championship (2015)! In 2016, Crystal completed the C-54 ProNovice course, but did not land in the placements. She showed a lot of improvement and we will continue to strive for better!
AHBA - HTAD-Id (with 2 first place runs and a High in Trial Ducks)
HTD-Is (with a 3rd and a 1st place run)
HRD-Is (with two 1st place runs)
HTAD-I Geese (with a 1st and a 2nd place run)
HTAD-II Geese (with two 2nd place runs)
HTAD-III Ducks (with one 1st place run, one 2nd place run, and a Reserve High In Trial)
AKC - (2 Legs) HSAd
AHBA - HTAD-Id (with 2 first place runs and a High in Trial Ducks)
HTD-Is (with a 3rd and a 1st place run)
HRD-Is (with two 1st place runs)
HTAD-I Geese (with a 1st and a 2nd place run)
HTAD-II Geese (with two 2nd place runs)
HTAD-III Ducks (with one 1st place run, one 2nd place run, and a Reserve High In Trial)
AKC - (2 Legs) HSAd
VIDEO 1 shows Crystal putting ducks through an AKC A course. The ducks came from a different location and it was their first time being used on this field for a trial.