The Cat Ponds is now equipt for Barn Hunt lessons and events! We will update this information soon! Interested? Contact us and we will forward you information for the instructor and events at the farm!
Cat Ponds (Smithfield, VA)

Cat Ponds is a stunning 75 acre farm in Smithfield, Virginia. This farm features 50 acres of lakes stocked with fish used to host local fishing tournaments, stand up paddle board lessons and events, swimming, and water fowl retrieval training.
In addition to the amazing scenery, it is also a working farm and home to several different animals including: sheep (mostly Kahtahdin , Desert painted and St. Croix), miniature donkeys, chickens, ducks (Musckovy Ducks), goats (Boer, Pygmy, and San Clemente Island goats), and geese.
Terri Chisman, who has been involved in dog training for more than 20 years, offers herding instinct testing and lessons for all breeds at Cat Ponds year round.
Cat Ponds is home to a number of events each year, including events for the Community based Warrior Transition Unit, National Wild Turkey Federation, Heroes on the Water, and VR Canine (odor detection).
Interested in using the Cat Ponds to host your event? Feel free to contact us.
In addition to the amazing scenery, it is also a working farm and home to several different animals including: sheep (mostly Kahtahdin , Desert painted and St. Croix), miniature donkeys, chickens, ducks (Musckovy Ducks), goats (Boer, Pygmy, and San Clemente Island goats), and geese.
Terri Chisman, who has been involved in dog training for more than 20 years, offers herding instinct testing and lessons for all breeds at Cat Ponds year round.
Cat Ponds is home to a number of events each year, including events for the Community based Warrior Transition Unit, National Wild Turkey Federation, Heroes on the Water, and VR Canine (odor detection).
Interested in using the Cat Ponds to host your event? Feel free to contact us.
Cat Ponds is a great location for:
Cat Ponds offers a number of services including, but not limited to:
Cat Ponds is a working farm and the dogs are one of its finest employees. Contact us about:
Looking for a dog? Feel free to contact us with a description of what you are looking for (breed, age, level of training) and we may be able to point you in the right direction. |
Upcoming Events
Cat Ponds (as The IOC and 4 the Dogs) is hosting an AHBA trial April 18th through the 21st. We are running RLFs, HTADgoats, and JHDducks. Contact: Shannon Jones, 919-414-2973, [email protected]